Getting the book published

First of all, I want to thank everyone who liked and shared the website when it launched.

Remy’s Mom, Stephanie asked me how people can help get the book published. So I wanted to walk everyone through how this will work.

Step one was getting the website launched. This site will be the primary source of information for the book.
Step two is getting everyone signed up for the email list. I want to reiterate that I will not be misusing this information. You will only be emailed when there are updates on the book.

You can sign up by adding your email at the bottom of this post, where is says “Subscribe”.

Step three will be getting the character sketches. My artist, Travis Hymel, is currently working on a comic book mini-series. Once he’s done, he’ll work on the character designs.

Step four. Once we have the character designs, I’m going to advertise the book. I want to talk to newspapers, podcasts and even news shows if they’ll have me. This will increase exposure for the book and make it more likely to find a publisher. If you know someone who can help in this regard, please email me adam (at)

If the book doesn’t get a publisher, I will crowdfund it. This is why the email list is so important. I’ll be able to tell you how to get a copy.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Thanks so much. -Adam


Announcements coming soon!


Thank you.